Tuesday, January 25, 2011

notte di nostalgia

back in the day. kind of miss that day.

Jenny + Whitters = italian roomies of amazing things 

When I lived in Italy, one of the greatest blessings was not understanding Italian television, but my bff Jenny and I making up our own words to Italia's Next Top Model over a bottle of Lambrusco.  

Ohhh lawdyy that hair from the first two seasons.

Every once in a while we'd get a strong need for some American culture if you will, so we'd watch hours, hours and hours of Sex and the City.  Tonight with the hubs away, I am bringing back my Italian ways.

My new roomie... I miss Jenny though...  A LOT!

These days the pups and I park it on the couch and reminisce about the good ol' days. Well I dream about it.  They mostly bark at anyone who is a threat to my life.  AKA Any dog outside they may hear going for a walk.

They're so pretty.  They're so loud.  I so love them.

My life is not so glamourous.  I was even too tired to pick up a bottle of wine for myself and my date with the pups.  I used to have real bad anxiety about being alone.  These days I welcome the [bark] and quiet.

This is not my cat.  It's the cat I would pick out because it's coloring goes so well with mine. Just wanted to share this photo...

I leave you with this.  Happy Tuesday.
"I need a drink. Would it be bad to have a martini with my muscle relaxant, or bad in a good way?" - Samantha

Oh to be in Reggio Emilia right now with a glass of homemade Lambrusco with my Italian and Canadian sisters.

1 comment:

  1. Loved your post. I did the same when I lived in Spain...used to crave American culture, but oh how I miss Spanish life these days :)
