"Where there is anger, there is always pain underneath." - Eckhart Tolle
There was anger. There was hurt. There was a child sitting on the front porch pouting, and that child was me. Have you ever thrown a temper tantrum? Of course you have. Have you ever thrown a temper tantrum as an adult? Yep, thought so. And last question, have you ever thrown a temper tantrum over a protein shake? Nope, just me? Thought that might be the case.
Imitating this little nugget at 26 years old... STILLLLLL got it!
This past weekend I set out for a glorious 4 mile run on a hot Sunday afternoon. Not sure if you can relate, but I am motivated by food. I easily sprint up hills by simply knowing that a delicious peanut butter mocha covered strawberry awaits me at the end of the climb. As I sprinted into our backyard like a child to an ice cream truck and attempted to open the back door to our kitchen, I nearly shattered the glass door with my fist, pounding in wonderment as to why it was locked.
Day dreaming of better days...
On the other side of the glass in the living room, my hubs looked up from his hands and knees as he refinished our hardwood floors, and motioned for me to go around to the front door. Crushed. I sprinted to the front door and noticed there was absolutely no trail for me to get into the kitchen, as he had already lacquered the floor and the door to my dreams shut. I did not think clearly at this moment, I simply turned around and slammed myself onto our front porch and placed my head in my hands. Poor hubs came out offering to send me off to Whole Foods with his wallet to buy a protein shake. He knew why I was upset, I need not speak, but like Michelle Tanner would, I simply said, "IT'S NOT THE SAME!" and slammed my head back into my hands. He turned around just shaking his head, and leaving me with the words, "Wow, you've got be kidding me."
I wasn't kidding, I was being an a-hole. The worst part was I could feel the crazy taking over my body but I couldn't stop it from coming. The best I could do was tuck the crazy into my pocket when it was all over, run back inside and apologize profusely to my wonderfully kind, hard working and care giving hubs who has to put up with the 5 year old within me now and again. He appreciated that I acknowledged my lapse in sanity, as we both know me admitting that I am wrong happens about as often as I take out the trash.
Isn't he a handsome devil? P.S. Hubs I apologize for sharing this photo, as well as my temper tantrum... Double sorry...
This particular episode really got me thinking as to why we allow the ones we love the most to see us at our very worst? No one else in the world would have gotten this reaction from me, but poor hubs did. I bought him lunch and beer to say sorry and thank him for making our home so beautiful (pics to come), but I still feel bad for this one. Guess we have to remember that we are human and sometimes we throw fits, hopefully whoever is lucky enough to scrape us off the ground is patient and understanding, and hopefully we have already started to apologize. My bad on this one...
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