Just as your car runs more smoothly and requires less energy to go faster and farther when the wheels are in perfect alignment, you perform better when your thoughts, feelings, emotions, goals, and values are in balance. - Brian Tracy
Back on track with a delicious PB mocha covered strawberry smoothie! (Recipe below)
Balance looks different to everyone. You have to try it on sometimes to see if it fits, and sometimes you simply have to accept the fact that you're not perfect. You're not perfect in your words, thoughts, and for me food choices. But that's the beast of burden of our lives. If you can learn to live with it, let it slide off your back and move on, you'll feel a bit lighter walking the path of your life with the guilt monkey off your back.
Like a little glass of healthy heaven!
I have to kick myself constantly simply to remember that you cannot plan your whole life. Sometimes there's not going to be a healthy vegetarian option for you, and if you're real hungry you'll be just fine eating some bread and butter. Your body won't hold it against you. On Saturday my mom made her version of my Grandma Betty's spaghetti, and having lost her a few months ago, this was quite possibly one of the most emotional meals of my life. I know it sounds odd, but her spaghetti is like a little nugget of my childhood, when all the world falls away and enjoying some spaghetti is the key to all that is great. Needless to say I indulged in two full plates of spaghetti, and topped it off with some vanilla ice cream with the hubs. Granny Betty preferred cookies and cream ice cream, but she never believed in skipping a dessert, so I really had no choice.
Mmmm frozen strawberries, almond butta, coffee and protein does a body good!
Bottoms up bottoms up whaa?
Take a breath sometimes. It's totally OKAY to eat pasta now and then. Grandma Betty would be proud. Don't beat yourself up, and don't use working out and healthy eating as a trophy to over indulge. Live it breathe it balance it.
PB mocha covered strawberry smoothie!
* 1 scoop chocolate protein powder* 1/2 c. almond milk
*1/2 c. coffee!
* 1 tbsp. almond butter
* 1 tbsp. cocoa powder
* 3 ice cubes
* 5 small frozen strawberries
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